Crack Cocaine Lung Disease

CCooccaaiinnee–iinndduucceedd CChhuurrgg–SSttrraauussss …
Alveolar hemorrhage temporally related to cocaine smok ing. Chest 1988; 93: 427–429. 5. Kissner DG, Lawrence WD, Selis JE, Flint A. Crack lung: pulmonary disease caused by cocaine abuse. … Doc Retrieval

Case Report
Led to a diagnosis of ‘crack lung’. Keywords: Crack cocaine/adverse effects; Cocaine-related disorders mental state that cocaine use promotes. This mech-anism can lead to severe reactive airway disease and tracheal stenosis.(1) Finally, crack smoking can cause … Return Doc

Eosinophilic Lung Disease
Eosinophilic Lung Disease 56 The Canadian Journal of CME / December 2001 Table 4 Examples of Drugs Causing Eosinophilic Lung Disease Nitrofurantoin Phenytoin Sulfasalazine Ampicillin Minocycline Methotrexate L-tryptophan Inhaled heroin or crack cocaine … Access Document

Where Can I Go For Support? Cocaine/ Crack
Cocaine/ Crack You’ll want to read this… Millwood High of the coca bush. •Cocaine can be smoked, snorted or injected. •Smoking cocaine can damage the lungs and cause “crack lung sexually transmitted disease. •Chronic use can cause severe psychiatric symptoms … Access Document

Associations, Transmission, Diagnosis And Treatment – Clean …
Alcohol Abuse, HIV and Infectious Disease. NIH Guide. •People who misuse speed, crack cocaine, poppers “Crack Lung”:setting of shortness of breath, fever and sometimes hemoptysis … Visit Document

Cocaine Abuse
Smoking crack is like driving 200 kilometres per hour without brakes!” Why cocaine becomes addictive: Research with cocaine has Cocaine Abuse Causes. Addictive disease is believed to be caused by genetic background and or emphysema), asthma or reactive airway disease, or a collapsed lung. … Return Doc

Crack cocaine : produced when cocaine hydrochloride is mixed with sodium bicarbonate and water, and sweating, reduced appetite, reduced need for sleep, reduced lung function, dry mouth, impaired myocardial fibrosis (21%), coronary artery disease (29%), cerebrovascular disease (36%) and … Retrieve Document

Induced Ecstasy
(crack) cocaine.5 The crystals or "rocks" are then smoked. Crack cocaine is about 50-90% 10 Oh PI, Balter MS. Cocaine induced eosinophilic lung disease. Thorax 1992;47:478-9. … Document Retrieval

West Vancouver, BC V7V 4C2 Cocaine And Crack
Form of cocaine) or smoke crack report severe throat and lung irritations. People who use cocaine over an extended period of time may develop a permanent disorder similar to Parkinson’s disease (a brain disease … Return Document

Might Cannabis Smoking Contribute To Bullous Lung Disease?
Bullous lung disease is characterized by formation of blebs, bullae and emphysema and it is neither a rare nor Susskind H, Weber DA, Volkow ND, Hitzemann R. Increased lung permeability following long-term use of free-base cocaine (crack). … Retrieve Content

Fact Sheet – Safer Crack Use Program May 2010
Services, shelter and housing. • Reduce the spread of disease: Many people who use crack cocaine are unaware of the Crack cocaine can be either smoked or injected. When smoked, the drug penetrates the thin lung tissue, enters the blood stream, the heart and then the brain. … View Full Source

Tobacco Facts
Tobacco Facts • Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of disease and death in the United States. Tobacco use causes heart disease, cancer, stroke and lung disease. • Tobacco kills more Americans each year than alcohol, cocaine, crack, heroin, homicide, suicide, car … Get Document

Review Article Pulmonary Alterations In cocaine Users
Pulmonary edema in cocaine smokers. Radiology 1989;172(2):463-65. 53. Kissner DG, Lawrence WD, Selis JE, Flint A. Crack lung: pul-monary disease caused by cocaine abuse. … Fetch Full Source

Number of other problems including: • Headaches, convulsions and seizures • Heart disease, stroke, and heart attack • Lung damage and disease that guide Cocaine and crack Cocaine abusers through their recovery process. … Fetch Content

Mycobacterium Kansasii In HIV Patients: Clarithromycin And …
And 6 smoked just crack cocaine. Two patients had occupational lung disease: one due to sand blasting and one due to cutting sugar cane. The demographics … View Full Source

89 Fungal Lung Disease – Whom Does It Affect? Epidemiology …
89 Fungal Lung Disease 9 Fungal infections of the lung are less common than bacterial and viral infections but pose significant problems in diagnosis and treatment. … Retrieve Here