Why Was Crack Cocaine Made?
Question by Renee: Why was crack cocaine made?
I was jus wondering what made someone try to make crack? What was the purpose, cause its not natrual, so why was it invented?
Best answer:
Answer by Aimee
I’m not sure, myself. Maybe someone just thought of it somehow.
I’m not one hundred percent certain that this is a true fact or whatever, but a novel I read last year- I Am A Taxi by Deborah Ellis (I think that’s her name), cocaine came from coca paste made from coca leaves. It was based somewhere in Mexico or Spain, I THINK, and this boy and his family were arrested because somehow had put cocaine underneath their seats on a bus. In the book, there was also a sort of “business” that went on where the boy and his friend agreed to go someplace in the jungle with these men to basically grow/harvest the coca leaves to make the cocaine. The men promised them “big money”. This, of course, since it was a sort of business brought in profit. Drugs are also a big money profit, in general. Teens will usually go to it if they’re having emotional struggles, or just out of peer pressure from their friends. In our generation, it’s usually considered “cool” to smoke pot, kind of like how smoking cigarettes was the “cool thing to do” some 50 years ago, and teens are still smoking nowadays. Like I said before, all sorts of things will push someone to cry cocaine, or any type of drug. The “high” is what probably brings them onto it, like a sense that you’re somewhere blissful and happy. Maybe like a sort of Heaven? I have never done pot or smoked a cigarette before, but I know enough from what my teachers are always telling us about these type of things. A lot of teens are like, “I can smoke pot, nothing will ever happen to me!”, but in reality, everytime you do pot or smoke a cigarette or other drugs etc, it just builds up into your body, I think. People say that smoking pot or other drugs doesn’t do anything to you because some hopsital patients use drugs to help them with whatever condition they have. Medicinal marijuana, I think. But that’s entirely different, I think so. If you read some newspaper articles on this sort of stuff, there will probably be tons of articles about how teens do drugs thinking that nothing negative will come out of it, when really, there is.
*Edit* More details!
Doing drugs and the impact of it is basically like a repeat with the whole cool scheme of smoking cigarettes long ago. Back then, there wasn’t much research or knowability about the impact of smoking cigarettes, so that was probably what made every young or old person pick up a cigarette and becoming hooked. Now, all sorts of diseases (cancer being a BIG ONE! My grandmother died from all sorts of cancer due to smoking..) are found from smoking cigarettes.
It’s kind of the same thing with drugs. Because drugs can lift your mood, give you energy etc, this is probably one of the factos why people are so hooked on them. It’s like eating icing- too much can be bad for you, but it’s so good and your taste buds love it! You swipe your finger into the bowl, and lick off the icing. You tell yourself that that’s enough, but usually, in the end, you swipe your finger in more times. It’s the same thing with drugs. Never mind doing it all the time, usually with one-two usages of doing drugs, you’ll probably be hooked. Cocaine is one of the most addctive, potent, and unpredictable recreational drug. Cocaine can cause intense damage to the liver, heart, intestines, lungs. Even just a “casual” (if you’ll call it THAT) usage of cocaine will impair the brain impact serious damage on the nervous system. Cocaine does produce a pleasurable high because it interfers with the brain’s “pleasurable centers”, and that it is probably why it is a commonly used drug. It is also very versatile, meanning that it can be put into your body different ways. I’m guessing that this could be favourable to addicts- they can find different sorts of highs with the different ways to use the drug. Cocaine can cause serious long-term effects on various parts of the body. Cocaine can cause serious effects on the nervous system, as I may of mentioned before, as the drug eats chunks of the brain. It also increases blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature (What do I know, this could be part of the “high”) often for the rest of the addictor’s life.
I hope this helped! >.<
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