Why Does Coffee or Caffeine Cause Depression and a Painful Feeling of Mental Slump for 10-12 Hours a Day?
Question by Simmi: Why does Coffee or Caffeine Cause Depression and a Painful Feeling of Mental Slump for 10-12 hours a day?
I’ve been an avid coffee drinker for over 17 years. But recently, coffee has been making my brain feel numb pretty much throughout the working day and optional shifts. What’s wrong with me? Or is it the coffee I’m drinking that’s causing this adverse reaction?
I get most of my beverages from my workplace or the local coffee shop. One of my colleagues who is into energy drinks too has been complaining of headaches of late. Could it be stress? Too much coffee? Late night work + red bull? I wonder what the reason could be.
Best answer:
Answer by Irene
if you have been drinking coffee for 17 years with no problems why assume it is the cause of your sudden depression and mental slump?
excessive caffeine does cause headaches so yes if your coworker is drinking red bulls and coffee and getting headaches they need to cut back.
Answer by Ashvin
Caffeine in coffee is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant drug. On it’s own, neither coffee nor caffeine causes depression… BUT it is pretty good at “hiding” any pre-existing depression symptoms by making the coffee drinker feel temporarily euphoric or “chemically happy”.
The depression or sense of mental slump you’re referring to is caused either by caffeine withdrawal, or it’s a sign that your mind/body is reacting adversely against coffee addiction.
Point to remember is that coffee hits the brain quickly and directly. Dehydration caused by drinking too much coffee within a 24-hour cycle can also lead to cogntive loss. It makes your brain “feel” depressed.
A couple days ago, I visited my doctor and he confirmed a link between excess caffeine intake and cognitive depression as you get older. In your teens and mid-20s, a couple cups of coffee along with an assortment of energy drinks wll barely create a dent into your physical or mental well-being.
But as you age and hit 30-35, some of the bad effects of caffeine will start percolating in your system as mental sluggishness, irritability, nausea and bouts of dehydration / vomiting. These are signs that you’ve become dependent on caffeine.
If you’ve been having 4-5 cups of coffee along with energy drinks or other sources of caffeine for years on end, then expect to feel the full brunt of this “addiction” in your late 30s or mid-40s.
I say this from personal experience.
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