What Is Up With the Fraudulent “scheduling” of Drugs in the U.S.A. ?
Question by Halsfield: What is up with the fraudulent “scheduling” of drugs in the U.S.A. ?
Below are the criteria that Schedule 1 (the most dangerous) drugs are supposed to be identified by.
Schedule 1 drugs required to be:
(A) The drug or other substance has high potential for abuse.
(B) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
(C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.
(list of the drugs under schedule 1 if you’re interested)
http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/pubs/scheduling.html – list of schedule 1 drugs
Now, you will notice if you cross reference the list of drugs and the reasoning behind the scheduling that many of the drugs in schedule 1 do not fit the labeling requirements WHATSOEVER.
You might also notice that this scheduling should include alcohol and tobacco, but it does not. nor is caffeine anywhere on this list.
Marijuana has known medical uses, it has had these for many thousands of years. It is not physically addictive in any fashion, nor is it readily psychologically addictive. it is also not physically harmful in any real fashion aside from the smoke inhalation which can be ignored via vaporizing or eating it. they have even isolated THC and synthesized it into “marinol” so they acknowledge that it is medically useful. There are many many many other drugs on here that fit the same bill, heroin is medically useful, cocaine is the same, LSD does not fit the high potential for abuse or danger category. So on and so on.
the head of the DEA has said the reasoning behind this fraudulent scheduling is that they are trying to work within the current system they have because otherwise they would have to let many drugs be legal until they could come up with a new system. this just screams unconstitutional.
Do you feel that they should keep this type of scheduling?
Do you think its fair to keep it this way knowing that they are mislabeling drugs that might actually be schedule II or III (allowing prescriptions for things like…LSD…ecstasy …marijuana, and more, or at the very least allowing research to be done on those to find if the scheduling is wrong)?
Please no anti / pro drug discussion, i just want to ask about the scheduling system itself.
Id just like to clarify that i was not listing cocaine as being in schedule 1, but pointing out that cocaine is schedule II but heroin is schedule I when both are considered to be some of the most dangerous drugs in the world but are listed in two separate danger categories.
It really seems that most of schedule I is based on how recreational something is, and how badly it is looked down upon in the media and by voters. This is absolutely not what should determine whether or not a drug is illegal or legal.
Once again if marijuana is schedule I cigarettes and booze need to be right beside it. there is no wiggle room in this. either addictive , non-medical, dangerous drugs are illegal, or they are legal, im tired of high-paying corporations getting by the constitution and our written laws and im tired of the government picking and choosing which drugs are the best for PR and hammering those while letting others slip by because they make the government money with taxes.
Best answer:
Answer by The Hankerchief
From a completely legal standpoint, I agree with you. This is highly unconstitutional and is legally wrong. We need a new system, because if the drug crusaders start attacking this, then all those drugs lawmakers worked so hard to outlaw become legal, then all people arrested for drug charges get acquitted, they sue the government for false arrest, etc.etc. If one really wanted to seriously screw up this country, all they’d have to do is get the drug advocates to start poking at this.
Now, morally, I agree that a lot of these drugs should be banned, like crack, meth, LSD, Ecstacy, all that. Marijuana is questionable, I haven’t decided where I stand on it, but still, a lot of these drugs need to be prohibited.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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