What Is Speedballing?
Question by Du Juana W: What is speedballing?
I had a friend that told me she was disappearing because she was speedballing. I want to know what is speedballing and what are the visual symptoms I can look for.
Best answer:
Answer by Thumper
Umm, get her off that. Its mixing heroin and coke in a needle and then shooting up. Go get her help that is gonna kill her.
Answer by Morrissey
This is incredibly dangerous. It can cause a heart attack.
Speedballing is a drug term for the mixing of heroin and cocaine. This is a potentially lethal concoction: the cocaine acts as a stimulant, raising the heartbeat, but its effects wear off more quickly than those of heroin, which in turn slows the heart.
As a result, it is possible to experience a delayed “overdose” (technically, severe respiratory depression) when the stimulant wears off and the full effects of the heroin are felt in isolation. The term may be applied to the simultaneous use of any opiate drug with a stimulant, and methamphetamine has been used in place of cocaine.
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