What Does the Music Video/ Lyrics of “Jesus of Suburbia” Mean?

Question by : What does the music video/ lyrics of “Jesus of Suburbia” mean?
As the title…
By Green Day

Best answer:

Answer by Leanne
I think it’s important to get your own meaning from lyrics.. But tbh while Jesus Of Suburbia is a serious piece of work, the lyrics aren’t amazingly deep or anything.. But if you want my opinion here goes ^^,

In the first verse he’s telling us he was born to a family where the level or rage and love were about equal.. He feels like he is the Jesus of his own little world, his own rules – not the normal everyday ones.. He acknowledges that he has sins that he got away with and hasn’t repented for..

Second verse

He assures us that the way he is is exactly how he wants to be. But he sometimes feels a sense of unreality about himself and the world he’s in..

Third verse

He watches TV from his “crucifix” which he seems to romanticize by saying it’s in his place of sanctuary where everyone else will leave him alone.. He then tells us that in looking for love, we fall to alcohol and cigarettes for comfort.. And “Mary Jane” is used although I don’t get what that means I think he might be referring to a prostitute to keep him going while he looks for love.. “Doing someone else’s cocaine” could be literal or it could be a metaphor for stealing to get by..

Fourth verse

Same as second

Fifth verse

When he was young he was taught life’s lessons in the parking lot of a store, (presumably while he was supposed to be at school) but later learns he doesn’t agree with what he was taught.

Sixth verse

Carrying on from the fifth he says that not everyone has a loving home – like his, many homes are as full of rage as they are love..

Seventh verse

He feels the city he lives in is just another city no one cares about and the signs leading there might as well be going the wrong way because there’s nothing special there anyway.. He sees so many others like himself, unsure what to do with themselves – lost and confused, with there sins and flaws out as plain as dirt on their face.. No one cares about them..

Eight verse

He takes the time to read the graffiti in the bathroom of a mall and deduces that when you think you’ve found the center of your earth, it will be your downfall.. But he doesn’t care to think much about it..

Ninth verse

Same as seventh

Tenth – thirteenth verse

Exactly what it says xD

Eleventh verse

People teach good morals but don’t practice them – lives can be put back on track but never fully fixed..

Twelfth verse

His generation has known war and peace and will soon become the subjects of stories of the troubles hidden in suburban life..

Thirteenth verse

Exactly what it says xD

Fourteenth verse

He wants to talk with his beloved but can’t.. He realizes he never listened to her either.. He asks if they’re going crazy or if he’s just a disturbed person.. He feels like he’s stuck somewhere mental illness and insecurity..

Fifteenth verse

He decides he does want help – he hopes therapy can help him build his life the right way.. He can’t understand if he’s mentally ill or just over emotional.. He feels like he’s being held out to show off his imperfections to the world..

Sixteenth verse

To live without really doing anything with your life is, in his opinion, a waste of time – he thinks you should fight for what you believe in.. All the lies in the world have made him lose his faith in God/humanity/himself (take your pick :P) So he runs away from one evil only to meet with another..

Seventeenth verse

He has went along with these evils “a million and one times” and decides he has had enough..

Eighteenth verse

He’s not ashamed of the things he has done.. He feels as though there is no place for him in the world – pain is all around him and he just wants it to stop.. He understands that all this is the result of coming from a broken home..

X x x

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