What Does an “ABUSER” Go Through Mentally?

Question by jazzy: What does an “ABUSER” go through mentally?
We all know what abused women go through psychological, what about the men as the abuser?
what type of psychological issues are they going through

i’m talking about psychological, verbal, emotional abuse, what goes through the mind of the ABUSER, and how do they choose that specific person to abuse, and when they claim to “love” that person is it “true in the abusers mind”

side note: is it true that “abusers” know who to prey on? Do they sense a person’s venerability, or would an abuser also be able to prey on someone who has high self-esteem and self-respect

I know both men and women can become victims of abuse, but generally I believe women tend to be abused easier

Best answer:

Answer by Deenie
I think each abuser is different in some ways and alike in others. A lot of it has to do with power. Maybe there was someone in their life who had power over them and they saw how it worked and decided to use that power over others themselves. I can’t talk about this because I”m a victim. You should watch Criminal Minds about profilers. It might help you understand better.

What do you think? Answer below!


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