What Can Be Done About All the Drug Addiction in America? Does Anyone Think?

Question by kakeydec: What can be done about all the drug addiction in America? does anyone think?
anything will ever be done?

Best answer:

Answer by Some Guy
homey homey homey!!! We love our drugs like ur love ur mum.

And hopefully it stays dat way

Answer by §§pecial Unicorn
I know it’s horrible to say, but we have worse problems than drug addicts. Plus, until the addict wants a change, you can’t change them.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Specifically, the accused was charged with heroin possession, marijuana possession under 50 grams, crack cocaine possession and drug paraphernalia possession. The arrest followed an investigation by Det. Brant Uricks along with Officer Ryan Nani and … Read more on Packet Online

Marijuana is Legal In Colorado. So When Will America's Super-Racist Drug War
In August 1996, the San Jose Mercury News published the first in a three-part series called “Dark Alliance: The Story Behind the Crack Explosion” linking crack cocaine, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Nicaraguan Contra army. The series … Read more on Philadelphia Magazine (blog)