What Are the “Designer Drugs” That the National Geographic Channels Going to Talk About?
Question by Lucas: What are the “designer drugs” that the national geographic channels going to talk about?
i would like to look up these drugs, the comercial reffers to them looking like thath salts… what are there street/brand names and some sights i could look them up at
Best answer:
Answer by Tick Box
There the drugs that all the top models have on the catwalk.
Answer by TheDude
By designer drugs I’m guessing they’re going to be talking about legal and bath salts. Bath salts you snort or shoot up and it’s supposed to be like cocaine. Legal is fake weed. It gives a very similar high. These products are sold under numerous “uses” but everyone knows what they’re for. I don’t know about bath salts but legal has had numerous generations because the contents of synthetic keep getting banned by the government. Then those companies just come out with a similar product with different ingredients to get the desired effect. Bath salts are extremely lethal. Legal can be lethal if it is smoked by someone who is too young/doesn’t know what they’re doing. They’re both extremely unhealthy.
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