What Are Some Different Kinds of Poisons?
Question by Seren Carmin: What are some different kinds of poisons?
And what do they do?
Best answer:
Answer by Served
some poisons kill u instantly
some paralyze
some put u in very deep sleep
some just make u bargh uncontrollably
Answer by David
Botanical poisons… that I know of….
Aconite – The symptons of poisoning are tingling and numbness of tongue and mouth and a sensation of ants crawling over the body, nausea and vomiting with epigastric pain, laboured breathing, pulse irregular and weak, skin cold and clammy, features bloodless, giddiness, staggering, mind remains clear.
Cabbage Tree – Cabbage Tree bark used in large doses may cause vomiting, fever and delirium, especially if cold water is drunk just before or after taking it.
Coca, Bolivian (better known as Cocaine) – “Queer” feelings, restlessness, incoherent speech; purposeless movements of extremities; dryness of throat, with feeling of constriction and choking, difficulty in swallowing; tingling in hands and feet, staggering gait; pupils usually dilated, severe headache with burning sensation and difficult respiration.
Gelsemium – Poisonous doses of Gelsemium produce a sensation of languor, relaxation and muscular weakness, which may be followed by paralysis if the dose is sufficiently large. The face becomes anxious, the temperature subnormal, the skin cold and clammy and the pulse rapid and feeble. Dropping of the upper eyelid and lower jaw, internal squint, double vision and dilatation of the pupil are prominent symptoms. The respiration becomes slow and feeble, shallow and irregular, and death occurs from centric respiratory failure, the heart stopping almost simultaneously. Consciousness is usually preserved until late in the poisoning, but may be lost soon after the ingestion of a fatal dose. The effects usually begin in half an hour, but sometimes almost immediately. Death has occurred at periods varying from 1 to 7 1/2 hours.
Green Hellbore – Causes vomiting, with much nausea and retching. Pulse slow, later, rapid and irregular. Prostration, perspiration, pallor, with shallow and sometimes stertorous breathing.
White Hellbore – Narcotic symptoms, such as stupor and convulsions, appear in addition to vomiting and diarrhcea, when the dose is fatal.
Nightshade (black) – The young plants and seeds are especially poisonous, causing nausea, muscle twitches, paralysis; often fatal.
Haha thes are the botanical ones i know….
Theres also poisons from the earth… like minerals… biological, like bacteria, venom and toxins…
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