Too Much of a Good Thing? Addressing Antibiotics in Livestock

Too much of a good thing? Addressing antibiotics in livestock
For instance, if the same volume of antibiotics are still being used, just under the guise of treating "sick" animals. As a country, we've become accustomed to taking things in excess, from junk food to powerful painkillers. We take — and accidentally … Read more on Daily Camera

'Broadchurch', 'Sherlock', 'Downton Abbey' – What Was Your Most Dramatic TV
So, we had no Olympics this year, no Diamond Jubilee, in fact, it threatened to look like quite a flat year, telly-wise. But, between them, ITV and BBC each came up with their share of memorable moments. Sky stamped its mark ever deeper on the … Read more on Huffington Post UK

10 Things To Look Forward To In 2014 In The Entertainment World
If Lily's first album in three years is just as good as as new single 'Hard Out Here', boy we're in for a treat. 10. Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards' wedding. Although there's no official word on when exactly the One Direction/Little Mix power couple are … Read more on Huffington Post UK