substance abuse treatment

Concise Analysis of the International Drugs of Abuse Testing Markets

...  Drugs of Abuse Testing Markets Examined in this study are assays for alcohol, cannabinoids, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates and phencyclidine, as well as assays for addictive prescription drugs such as OxyContin. Moreover, special attention is paid to Substance Abuse and… Continue reading

Lessons Learned From Snohomish County Reclaiming Futures: Systems 101 Event

...  Learned from Snohomish County Reclaiming Futures: Systems 101 Event We also had a series of concurrent workshops about the juvenile justice system and juvenile justice reforms, juvenile drug court, child and family services, substance abuse treatment, the Seven… Continue reading

Trey Radel: "I Have No Excuse for What I've Done"

...  by Obama So, Congress increased the sentencing weight ratio to 100-to-1 for crack versus powder cocaine offenders under the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986. Over the next decade, law enforcement agencies cracked down on drug traffickers, resulting in lower-level …… Continue reading

Honolulu Treatment Center Launches New Consultation Program on Updated

...  Treatment Center Launches New Consultation Program on Updated … Cocaine, heroin, Oxycontin and benzodiazepines are just a few of the drugs that the treatment center helps people put in their past. Alcoholism, a disease that destroys individuals as well… Continue reading

Does Anybody Know Any Good Homeschool Sites?

...  to Save a Life leads addicts to recovery resources “We don't want anyone to bury their loved ones because of drugs.” She donated the scholarship money she raised to Livengrin, a foundation for addiction recovery. In 2007, on June… Continue reading

Is Trey Radel Using Federal Health Benefits to Pay for Rehab?

...  Trey Radel using federal health benefits to pay for rehab? 21, a day after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor-level cocaine possession charge in Washington. He blamed his … Radel's representatives also could not say if he is using the… Continue reading