slang drug terms

Whitney Houston Cocaine Abuse

Inside This IssuePril is Substance Abuse Awareness Month. With the passing of one of America’s greatest music icons, Whitney Houston, we have and witnessed the to report using cocaine in their lifetime than the next closest country, New Zealand (16%… Continue reading

Visible Signs Cocaine Abuse

...  drug or alcohol abuse or misuse demand for oxygen, which can result in a cocaine induced heart attack. Cocaine indicators: … Fetch Doc Chronic RhinitisCocaine abuse also can result in chronic rhinitis. Gustatory Rhinitis Ingestion of certain foods, especially… Continue reading

Crack Cocaine Tin Foil

SLANG DRUG TERMSChase – To smoke cocaine; to smoke marijuana. Chasing the Dragon – A particular way of inhaling heroin or cocaine heated on tin foil over a flame; also crack and heroin … View Full Source IN THE COURT… Continue reading

List Cocaine Abuse

...  abuse cocaine and heroin, and 30 million who abuse amphetamine-type stimulants. We cannot ease their suffering, or that of their loved ones, unless we fight this. … Fetch Here Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – Part 2 SERIES 18 CBT For… Continue reading

Cocaine Abuse in Us

...  Cocaine Structural, metabolic, and functional brain abnormalities as a result of prenatal exposure to drugs of abuse: evidence … Access Full Source July 2010 Poisoning In The United StatesAre cocaine, heroin, and a type of prescription drug called opioid… Continue reading

Crack Cocaine Pcp

SLANG DRUG TERMSPaste – Crack cocaine. PCP – (Phencyclidine) angel, angel dust, angel hair, angel mist, amoeba, animal, animal trank, animal tranquilizer, aurora borealis, black whack, boat, bohd, crystal, dummy dust, dust, elephant, elephant flipping, embalming fluid, fry, high, hog,… Continue reading