OUR OPINION: LePage Plan for War on Drugs Wrong-Headed
... OPINION: LePage plan for war on drugs wrong-headed The idea of the addicted baby appeared in the 1980s, when “crack baby” hysteria swept the nation. News reports … Much like LePage last week, politicians from President Ronald Reagan on… Continue reading
What Has Become of Fawn Hall, Oliver North’s Former Secretary?
... Hall Fawn Hall (born in 1959) is a notable figure in the Iran-Contra affair. She was Lt. Colonel Oliver North’s secretary from February 1983 until she was fired on November 25, 1986. She dated Contra politician Arturo Cruz, Jr.… Continue reading
What Are Some Important Historical Events or People From Bolivia?
... – Outlaws Roberto Suárez Goméz (1932 ? July 20, 2000) Roberto Suárez Goméz, nicknamed “king of cocaine” was a Bolivian drug trafficker who was the most powerful drug lord in Bolivian history, serving as an inspiration for the American… Continue reading
Wiz Khalifa, Pittsburgh Council and History
... Khalifa, Pittsburgh Council and History Filed under: how is cocaine addictive 2010- Merle Haggard: juvey record–prison record for attempted robbery-pardoned by Ronald Reagan—later issues with cocaine which he quit cold turkey. 2008- George Jones: decades of alcohol abuse… Continue reading
Why Is the Difference in Punishment Between Powder Cocaine and Crack Cocaine 1:100?
... scrutinizes the war on drugs Filed under: cocaine to crack ratio While Jarecki's film makes undeniably valid points about the historical precedent of targeting of minor-ities by law enforcement and so-called “mandatory minimum” sentences and the 100-to-1 ratio of… Continue reading