red bull

Cop Sees the Sense in Lashing Out

...  drinker register work? However, the Northern Territory Minister for Alcohol Rehabilitation, Robyn Lambley, says 10 years of data shows the register had no long-term impact on alcohol-related admissions to Territory emergency departments. She says the scrapped banned drinker …… Continue reading

My Brother Drinks 2 to 3 Amp Energy Drinks a Day?

...  , legal director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a Washington, D.C.-based consumer watchdog group that has been trying, unsuccessfully, to get the US Food and Drug Administration to force manufacturers to list the amount of… Continue reading

Why Does Coffee or Caffeine Cause Depression and a Painful Feeling of Mental Slump for 10-12 Hours a Day?

...  been an avid coffee drinker for over 17 years. But recently, coffee has been making my brain feel numb pretty much throughout the working day and optional shifts. What’s wrong with me? Or is it the coffee I’m drinking… Continue reading

What's Really Behind the Jolt in Your Energy Drink?

...  Really Behind The Jolt In Your Energy Drink? Red Bull, which acquired names such as “liquid cocaine” and “speed in a can” when first introduced in Austria in 1987, has had incredible success with its advertising campaigns, which… Continue reading

Scared of Jolt?

...  by peter.bosaniHi! My interest is food science and nutrition, and what I could tell you about “Jolt” is that it’s essentially a soft drink with a lot of caffeine. Amounts can vary from 70 mg. up to 280 mg.… Continue reading

Russia's Flesh Eating Heroin and Other Seriously Bad Drugs

...  Flesh Eating Heroin And Other Seriously Bad Drugs Sounds like Red Bull, but crystal methamphetamine has fast become one of the world's both widely used and dangerous drugs, ravaging those living on the breadline in America and now… Continue reading