prescribed medications

Egypt Crackdown Brings Most Arrests in Decades

...  addict who has to claim to be incurable and then take more pharmaceutical drugs that are highly addictive and very dangerous with side effects sometimes worse … Read more on PR Web (press release) The Holistic Sanctuary Stakes a… Continue reading

Elliott Smith: 'Mr. Misery' Revisited, 10 Years After the Singer-Songwriter's

...  Smith: 'Mr. Misery' Revisited, 10 Years After the Singer-Songwriter's … First, toxicology tests confirmed that Smith, widely assumed to be using street drugs again, was clean at the time of his death; all prescribed medications present in his system… Continue reading

Photo: Contributed – DriveBC

...  Contributed – DriveBC So the constant battle is not only to keep them on their prescribed medications, but to keep them away from drugs." Lohrasbe said health officials … But now, even people on social assistance can afford… Continue reading

An Endless Battle Manchin to Address

An Endless Battle Manchin to address From cocaine and heroin to methamphetamine and prescription medicine, nearly all the drug world's ills now can be found in our area. To combat the spread of this plague, U.S. … Manchin said hydrocodone… Continue reading

Does My Boss Have a Drug Problem?

...  with your boss.. so you have to keep your presumptions and relative corporate position in check. I know you know this, just reiterating it. That disclaimer said — This is most typical of stimulant use and possible abuse. It… Continue reading

I Need a Short Summary About Adam Liptaks Article “American Exception: Suppressing the Evidence?

...  one child and is currently self employed as a wedding planner & making cakes, while her soon to be ex husband is a detective on a police force. The detective threatens his soon to be ex wife…by saying, ”… Continue reading