I Tried 1 Hit of Crack Cocaine…?
... A link has been sent to your friend's email address. … In an item not directly related to the fight, deputies report that when they arrived at the scene and a weapon was involved, they frisked several individuals at… Continue reading
Righting Historical Wrongs Through Clemency
... Historical Wrongs Through Clemency From the kangaroo courts and lynching laws of yesterday to the still lingering crack vs. powder-cocaine disparity today, miscarriages of justice have been an ever-present feature of the U.S. criminal punishment system. However, there has… Continue reading
The Bipartisan Effort Obama Left Out of the State of the Union
... bipartisan effort Obama left out of the State of the Union It would also allow certain inmates sentenced under old crack cocaine sentencing laws to petition for reduced sentences consistent with the Fair Sentencing Act — a 2010 law… Continue reading
Obama Makes but a Gesture Toward Sentencing Reform in US Justice System
... Makes But a Gesture Toward Sentencing Reform In US Justice System … into passionate support, for draconian hypocrisy in its failed War on Drugs yields grudgingly to the forces of reason and decency. This follows the reduction in the… Continue reading
Sentencing Adjourned on Thatcham Man Caught With Crack Cocaine
... crack cocaine Police on patrol on December 25 last year arrested a motorist with crack cocaine and cannabis in his waistband, Newbury magistrates heard on Thursday, January 16. Claire Beards, prosecuting, said officers stopped Dean Andrew Collins in his… Continue reading
Lawmakers Discuss Justice, Minority Issues
... discuss justice, minority issues CEDAR FALLS | The statistics laid before state Rep. Bob Kressig … He pointed to the disparity between the punishments for possessing crack cocaine and powder cocaine, as well as the loss of jobs… Continue reading