neonatal abstinence syndrome

Signs of Cocaine Use Outlook

Executive SummaryIn 2003, these indices show (1) an ongoing increase in the use of cannabis, (2) some signs of stabilization for opiates and cocaine and (3) a stabilization/decline for ATS. 332 mt of amphetamines (methamphetamine and amphetamine) and 90 mt… Continue reading

Signs of Cocaine Use 56k

DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMYC. NOTE: The UPL then signs his/her payroll signature across the tape on the TOP AND BOTTOM of each PowerPoint Viewer and Adobe may be downloaded from ACSAP website at the link below, minimum 56K Every specimen… Continue reading

Crack Cocaine Newborns

...  weights, lengths, and head circumferences than non-exposed newborns (Singer et al., 2002). Additionally, studies have found that cocaine-exposed children have lower levels of cognitive … View This Document Perinatal Substance Use: Maternal Effects & Newborn EffectsVasoconstriction Heart attack, stroke… Continue reading