Marijuana “addiction”?
... notably in the U.S., of governments' addiction to deficit financing — living beyond their means. Gregory … But the article states signs are authorized “for a determined period … Read more on Montreal Gazette Linking violence, illness can foster… Continue reading
£10m to Help Blackpool's Most Desperate Residents
... to help Blackpool's most desperate residents Latest statistics suggest the town is desperately in need of that help. Blackpool has the UK's second highest prevalence of heroinand crack cocaine users, twice the national average number of people admitted to… Continue reading
State Senate Votes to Make Police Logs Public Records
... senate votes to make police logs public records The retired police chief said the proposed law includes additional protections that would apply in certain circumstances such as responses to situation involving abuse, mental health or chemical dependency. “This I… Continue reading
False Memories on Trial – Embed, Manipulate, Delete
... by DNA, the defense asking the witness over and over if he was too high on cocaine to identify the shooter could be a example of memory reset mechanism. … Current advances in brain imaging allowing … Read more… Continue reading
Justina Pelletier Is Still in State Custody
... CT Facing Up to Bullies in the Workplace It was later revealed that the abuse ran deeper than just physical and verbal assault; the 29-year-old intern had been working at the software company for three years, taking home a… Continue reading
Report: Some Gains on Substance Abuse, Mental Health
... some gains on substance abuse, mental health The report, called the National Behavioral Health Barometer, gathers together data from Medicare and from previously released surveys conducted by SAMHSA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute… Continue reading