mayor rob ford

Mayor Rob Ford Staffer E-Mails During Crack Cocaine Scandal Released

Mayor Rob Ford staffer e-mails during crack cocaine scandal released The night that news of Mayor Rob Ford's crack cocaine video broke, his spokesman was “begging” him not to go on the radio to respond. E-mails obtained … An… Continue reading

FOIA Lessons From Gawker Editor John Cook

...  lessons from Gawker Editor John Cook So now if you want to see a picture of John Cook's house, it, too, is online, thanks to an irate blogger. Cook posted the story … Cook, posing with a pretend crack… Continue reading

Local Recounts Overcoming Heroin, Other Drugs

...  recounts overcoming heroin, other drugs Now Hillman helps others battling drugs to build healthy support systems through her ministry called Freedom From Addiction. “Helping others get clean and sober and have a … Hillman became addicted to cocaine in… Continue reading

Mexican Gangs Seen Opening Cocaine Labs as Colombia Seizes Paste

...  Gangs Seen Opening Cocaine Labs as Colombia Seizes Paste A peace deal will make it easier for security forces to enter some coca-producing regions, although it won't end the cocaine trade, he said. “Drug trafficking is going to continue,… Continue reading

Are Men Hardwired for Addiction?

...  men hardwired for addiction? The tragic death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, apparently from a heroin overdose and the ongoing antics of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford raise real questions about drug addiction and the male brain. Yes, there have… Continue reading

Rob Ford Alleged to Be Incoherent in Coquitlam Bar

...  Ford alleged to be incoherent in Coquitlam bar In November, Ford publicly swore he was done with drinking after he admitted to smoking crack cocaine. … Toronto Star reporter Robyn Doolittle is currently on a book tour promoting the… Continue reading