law enforcement officials

Our View: Citizen Army Needed to Fight Meth Labs

...  view: Citizen army needed to fight meth labs Making meth — a highly addictive stimulant — once was limited to rural areas, but law enforcement officials say small-scale production is becoming easier and, as a result, much more common.… Continue reading

Heroin Deaths Rise as Crackdown on Prescription Drug Abuse Succeeds

...  deaths rise as crackdown on prescription drug abuse succeeds As efforts to crack down on the abuse of prescription drugs have worked, a new problem has emerged, with addicts who can no longer get their fix by popping pills… Continue reading

Springfield Taking Steps to Combat Crime and Drugs

...  taking steps to combat crime and drugs Filed under: cocaine abuse help Local, state and law enforcement officials met with residents on Monday night to discuss the growing concern of drug abuse, trafficking, gang recruitment and downtown shootings. The… Continue reading

Moffat County Law Enforcement Officials: No on Amendment 64

...  County law enforcement officials: No on Amendment 64 Filed under: long term cocaine use effects The evidence is also compelling to us that marijuana is a gateway drug that leads to use and abuse of even more dangerous… Continue reading

Police Nab Man on Crack Cocaine, Marijuana and Gun Possession

...  Nab Man on Crack Cocaine, Marijuana and Gun Possession Filed under: crack vs cocaine laws Police found $ 2,500 worth of crack cocaine and $ 2,500 worth of marijuana at 202 Fourth St., according to the Journal. Law enforcement… Continue reading

What Do You Think of Nicole Kidman’marriage?

...  to addicts. One of its objectives is to reduce the number of drug-related homicides in the nation's capital. (Courtesy of the Office of the Mayor … Read more on Infosurhoy   Hundreds at IRSC 'Drug Summit' learn drug-related deaths… Continue reading