Local Experts Convene Working Group on Addiction
... Experts Convene Working Group On Addiction … local citizens to parents to those who suffer with addiction to find a solution for this growing problem. Hickton chose Dr. Neil Capretto, medical director of Gateway Rehabilitation Center, and Dr.… Continue reading
Local Experts: New Overdose Treatment Will Save Lives
... experts: New overdose treatment will save lives Dr. Neil Capretto, medical director at Gateway Rehabilitation Center in Center Township, said naloxone has been around for a long time and is proven to save lives. Too often, however, help does… Continue reading
“Theraflu” Heroin Claims 22 Lives in Pennsylvania
... Heroin Claims 22 Lives in Pennsylvania “The problem with street drugs is that they often contain unknown substances and should never be considered safe,” said Pax Prentiss, CEO of Passages Addiction Treatment Centers. “Our treatment team is accomplished at… Continue reading
Warning to Parents: Inhaling Alcohol New Risky Trend
... to parents: Inhaling alcohol new risky trend It could become addictive, said Neil Capretto, medical director at Gateway Rehabilitation Center in Pennsylvania. “Any time you make a substance quicker onset and more intense, it's more addicting. This is like… Continue reading
Addictive Cocaine Squirrel
BASIC SCIENCETo suppress the reinforcing/rewarding properties of different drugs of abuse, including cocaine to elucidate the neural pathways and neurotransmitter systems involved in such a complex addictive persistent self-administration behavior can be maintained in experimentally and drug-naive squirrel … Access… Continue reading