fetal alcohol syndrome

What Are Some Ways Alcohol and Drugs Can Effect a Baby in the Womb?

...  in a warm, dark sea of amniotic fluid, the developing fetus was protected from the dangers of the world. Now we know that this is not exactly the case. Just as nutrients and oxygen flow across the placenta from… Continue reading

Effects of Drugs on Embryonic Development?

...  at the Boston University School of Medicine/Boston Medical Center — and that’s only the B’s. “Throughout almost 20 years of research, none of us has identified a recognizable condition, syndrome or disorder that should be termed ‘crack baby,” said… Continue reading

How Much Does It Cost to Take Care of a Meth Baby Weather Its Hospital Bills or Medications?

...  at the Boston University School of Medicine/Boston Medical Center — and that’s only the B’s. “Throughout almost 20 years of research, none of us has identified a recognizable condition, syndrome or disorder that should be termed ‘crack baby,” said… Continue reading

Does “abuse” by Another Cause a Person to Have a Psychiatric Disorder? What Is the Diagnosis in This Case?

...  been through that as children and have problems even after becoming adults. It does require counseling/therapy, though. No pill is going to help that. Answer by stormwarnfmSounds to me like overcoming life experiences. Psychiatric disorders are genetic, not caused,… Continue reading

Physical Signs of Cocaine Use Photos

Acute Abdominal PainProduces symptoms not signs; Based on developmental embryology Tobacco, drugs – Especially cocaine, alcohol Use history and physical exam to narrow it down … Doc Retrieval Langley Fundamental Middle And Secondary SchoolBooked Grad Photos Feb.17 – Pro-D Day… Continue reading

Signs of Cocaine Use Pregnancy

Drug Facts – YouTubeDrug Facts booklet covers a variety of different drugs and their harmful effects, signs and symptoms of use 1:28 Watch Later Error Face the Facts – Teen Pregnancy by PESTTechnologies 9,290 views Watch Later Error Facts About… Continue reading