federal prison

Difference Between Cocaine and Crack?

...  between crack cocaine and free base cocaine? are they just fancy names for crack or are they different? i’m really confused as to what crack really is. btw this is all for a research paper for my abnormal psych… Continue reading

Convicted Cocaine Kingpin Back in Court on New Charges

Convicted cocaine kingpin back in court on new charges Main was named in a 61-count federal indictment in 1998 that alleged he oversaw a major drug ring that brought powder cocaine, crack cocaine and heroin from New York City and… Continue reading

Is Crack and Cocaine Popular as It Was in the ’80s and ’90s Today?

...  is L.A. also full of it? Best answer: Answer by blushezin my opinion i think they r more popular know than before!! Answer by Marla DAccording to the Evening news tonight with Katie Couric we still have a major… Continue reading

Police Seek Driver in Deadly Florida Day Care Crash

...  Florida day care crash David Letterman is retiring next year as host of 'Late Show.'- 9:27 am. Q&A with Jennifer Aniston: Never a 'where do you see yourself in five years' person. LOS ANGELES, Calif. … Ex-con wanted in… Continue reading

Manley, Bertino-Tarrant Host Heroin Task Force Hearing in Plainfield

...  recommendations for Illinois middle schools and high schools to educate students and prevent heroin use. Speakers … They will address psychological effects and treatment of heroin, how it affects the … Read more on Patch.com Former southern Illinois judge… Continue reading

Why Does Crack-Cocaine Make You Lose Weight?

Question by Kizzy: Why does crack-cocaine make you lose weight? I know that crack is a drug that makes you lose weight. But, are there are smart people out there who can give me scientific explanations for why exactly this… Continue reading