emergency department visits

Gateway for Cancer ResearchSM Announces Finalists and Opens Public Voting

...  announces finalists and opens public voting … Gateway will announce this year's recipient of the Cancer Researcher of the Year award at its Annual Meeting on April 16 in Schaumburg, Illinois. The Cancer Researcher of the Year honoree will… Continue reading

State Senate Votes to Make Police Logs Public Records

...  senate votes to make police logs public records The retired police chief said the proposed law includes additional protections that would apply in certain circumstances such as responses to situation involving abuse, mental health or chemical dependency. “This I… Continue reading

Deaths From Prescription Painkiller Overdoses Rise Sharply Among Women

...  from prescription painkiller overdoses rise sharply among women The study includes emergency department visits and deaths related to drug misuse/abuse and overdose, as well as analyses specific to prescription painkillers. The key findings include: • About 42 women die… Continue reading

Pompano Beach, Florida Area Welcomes Recovery Associates, Offering

...  … … Florida Area Welcomes Recovery Associates, Offering Services for People in Need of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment. Pompano Beach, which is located in South Florida, will now have professional substance abuse support for men, women and …… Continue reading

Signs of Cocaine and Alcohol Use

EW ORK ITY NYCVitalSigns Recommendationsandalcohol(43%). ? NewYorkerswhodiedfromunintentionaldrug overdoseweremostlymen(74%)andages35to54 Cocaine is the most commonly cited drug in NYC emergency department visits … Fetch Doc Cocaine And PregnancyRecreational cocaine use is usually by inhalation Using other drugs, including alcohol or cigarettes, can… Continue reading

Cocaine Use Signs 2011

...  Drowning Killed Houston But Drugs Took High TollDrugs took many things from Whitney Houston _ her pristine voice, clean image and her career _ and coroner's officials revealed Thursday that cocaine also played a role in the Grammy winner's… Continue reading