drug control strategy

Danville Raids Net Heroin, Other Drugs

...  Philip Seymour Hoffman's Drug Overdose Death Sparks Recovery Questions Angelo went through years of addiction while working in the entertainment business and paid a heavy price of a sentence to prison for six years and three years of special… Continue reading

Columbus Dispatch Omits Key Facts on Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients

...  considered a program to randomly drug test those receiving welfare, but abandoned the plan as not cost-effective, given that urinalysis is almost exclusively a barometer of marijuana use and that welfare … In … Read more on Media Matters… Continue reading

Cocaine Treatment Strategies

...  these forms of the drug affect individual lifestyles and the community-at-large, and the available treatment strategies for cocaine users. … View Doc The Abuse Liability And Therapeutic Potential Of Drugs …Success in these treatment groups has provided the impetus… Continue reading

Obama Cocaine Addiction

Testimony Of Lanny Acocaine sentencing policy. The Obama Administration firmly believes that our criminal and sentencing laws Many state inmates also struggle with drug addiction. Many prisoners are … View This Document President Obama’s 2010 Drug Control Strategy: Seeking… Continue reading

Manufacturing Crack Cocaine Works

AlcoholThe long-term crack cocaine effects are much more severe than those of the short term Effects are The differences in color are due to impurities that have been left from the manufacturing process or Alcohol How Alcohol Works in the… Continue reading

Human Rights Watch Crack Cocaine

...  by Human Rights Watch in a study released in 2001 is that the U.S. war on drugs has been waged overwhelmingly against Black Crack cocaine is a highly addictive drug; it has brought down politicians from lofty perches. …… Continue reading