drug and alcohol

Va. Firm Wins FDA Approval for Overdose Treatment

...  from misuse and abuse of both prescription and illicit opioids has become a major public health concern in the United States," said Dr. Bob Rappaport with the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. "Evzio is the … Read… Continue reading

Crimea Side-Effect: Addicts Deprived of Methadone

...  side-effect: Addicts deprived of methadone In this photo taken Tuesday, April 1, 2014, Viktor Levchenko, 36, a patient of treatment for drug addiction, poses at a bus stop with an advert reading "Rehabilitation of drug and alcohol addicts" in… Continue reading

Jailed: Drug Dealers Found Trading Crack Cocaine and Heroin in Popular Ely Lane

...  took issue with the fact that heroin is considered an epidemic only now that it is affecting suburbanites, while residents in his neighborhood have been fighting crack cocaine and alcohol addiction in far … Read more on The Plain… Continue reading

BC-US–Heroin Across America,ADVISORY, US

...  stood in a suburban Minnesota home and looked down at a lifeless 20-year-old — a needle mark in the man's arm, a syringe in his pocket. Fresh out of treatment, this man was Douglas' second … Read more on 10TV… Continue reading

Would Life Ever Get Better for Me?

...  Dies of Overdose in VA Substance-Abuse Center That becomes even more apparent when you stumble across a report like Unexpected Patient Death in a Substance Abuse Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Program, issued Friday by the Department of Veterans Affairs' inspector… Continue reading

Bain Capital Buying Up Methadone Clinics

...  Buying Up Methadone Clinics … heroin use being on the rise and all. It most recently has purchased Habit OPCO, which has 22 clinics in Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. … Unlike some Bain Capital acquisitions,… Continue reading