drug and alcohol

Speed Yes or No and What?

...  by Ceanne: Speed Yes or No and What? Tell me what the efect is of speed please Best answer: Answer by substyleconsidering it? don’t waste your time. Answer by amberharris20022000energy Jury Finds Melissa Amber Dalton Guilty – Brevard NC… Continue reading

What Are the Life Threatening Problems of Alcohol?????????????????????????

...  Drug Trafficking at the Airports While the latter is hugely consumed and also grown locally, until recently not many Nigerians consumed cocaine and heroin. …. Sometimes they make attempt on their own lives due to depression. … and psychiatrist… Continue reading

Suspended Senator Patrick Brazeau Released on Bail, Must Go to Rehab

...  senator Patrick Brazeau released on bail, must go to rehab The 39-year old suspended senator was arrested early Thursday morning at a private residence in Gatineau following a domestic disturbance call. He was officially charged with two charges of… Continue reading

Former NBA Standout and Recovering Addict Delivers Anti-Drug in Anne Arundel

...  abuse as a health problem instead of a criminal one,” Patrick, a Democrat, said in a speech at UMass Boston in February. Kevin Burke, a … Years ago, conversations focused on cocaine, crack and methamphetamine. Today, there … Read more… Continue reading

How Does Cocaine Effects the Different Parts of the Brain?

...  physical conditions. It can lead to disturbances in heart rhythm and heart attacks, as well as chest pains or even respiratory failure. In addition, strokes, seizures and headaches are common in heavy users. Cocaine can often cause reduced food… Continue reading

Ryan Urges Funding for Drug Treatment

...  spreads misery in nation It didn't take long for Douglas to realize that the man, fresh out of treatment, was his second heroin overdose that day. "You just drive … It's almost like a perfect storm." The death of… Continue reading