Cocaine Side Effects?
... by : Cocaine side effects? I did cocaine 2 nights ago. It was a gram split between 3 of us. I’m normally ok from doing it, when i woke up yesterday i had big red spots on the… Continue reading
First Degree: How America Recovered From a Murder Epidemic
... degree: How America recovered from a murder epidemic While most people blame crack cocaine for the spike during Will Field's boyhood, no one is totally sure why violence fell so sharply during his teens. As the nation has taken… Continue reading
Cocaine Side Effects?
by elycefeliz Question by kim k: Cocaine side effects? So i have stopped using cocaine for about 5 days and every single day i feel sluggish, stressed, depressed, angry and i have strong cravings for more cocaine. I am… Continue reading
Cocaine Side Effects?
... by Veronica: Cocaine side effects? So I did some cocaine this weekend. Which isn’t my first time, I’ve done it quite a lot. But this weekend it was different. I did a whole lot Friday night, and for… Continue reading
HELP!!! Did I Just Try Cocaine?
... as the dangers of crack cocaine were overstated nearly three decades ago.” (Image: The Meth … Read more on Forbes Young women desperate to be slim are using CRYSTAL METH Crystal methamphetamine, street name ice, is known for its… Continue reading
How Do Cocaine Side Effects Happen?
... by King6924: how do cocaine side effects happen? Why does it give u a sore throat? How does it give u a hoarse throat? How does it mess up (deteriorate) your teeth? Why does it cause itchiness? Why does… Continue reading