centers for disease control

Report: Some Gains on Substance Abuse, Mental Health

...  some gains on substance abuse, mental health The report, called the National Behavioral Health Barometer, gathers together data from Medicare and from previously released surveys conducted by SAMHSA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute… Continue reading

David Fetzer's Last Act

...  Fetzer's Last Act The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention reported recently that the number of accidental prescription-drug overdoses in the United States has reached 16,500 per year—a small city of deaths—claiming more lives than illegal heroin and cocaine… Continue reading

Marijuana With a Side of Ibuprofen: Buzz-Killing Rx for Alzheimer's?

...  if your real-age-adjusted life expectancy is shorter than your life expectancy based on normal mortality tables. But even if you expect to have a shortened life-span, you cannot spend more in … Read more on Independent Online CDC guidelines… Continue reading

Police: 13-Year-Old Being Investigated for Bringing Vicodin to Antioch School

...  13-year-old being investigated for bringing Vicodin to Antioch school According to the Centers for Disease Control, prescription drug abuse has become more prevalent than “street drugs” such as heroin and cocaine. Aiming to curb prescription drug abuse, …… Continue reading

Important Step to Control Painkillers

...  step to control painkillers In fact, abuse of prescription medications is overtaking that of “street drugs” such as heroin and cocaine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spoke of a pain-pill overdose “epidemic” that cost 15,000 lives… Continue reading

Suspect Arrested in Murder of Woman in Lower 9th Ward

...  or three days when police found her remains after receiving an anonymous tip. There were no obvious signs of trauma to her body, but investigators … Carter, who has a record in Orleans Parish of several drug … Read… Continue reading