Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Marijuana With a Side of Ibuprofen: Buzz-Killing Rx for Alzheimer's?

...  if your real-age-adjusted life expectancy is shorter than your life expectancy based on normal mortality tables. But even if you expect to have a shortened life-span, you cannot spend more in … Read more on Independent Online CDC guidelines… Continue reading

Important Step to Control Painkillers

...  step to control painkillers In fact, abuse of prescription medications is overtaking that of “street drugs” such as heroin and cocaine. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spoke of a pain-pill overdose “epidemic” that cost 15,000 lives… Continue reading

Police Beat: Charleston Threat Situation Defused

...  beat: Charleston threat situation defused A call came in to the Bradley County 911 Center Tuesday evening. According to a report from Chief Steve Haun, as firefighters … Bradley County Emergency Medical Service paramedics responded to the scene and… Continue reading

West Virginia Has Highest Rate of Fatal Overdoses

...  overdose deaths now outnumber those from heroin and cocaine combined. And in 29 states, including … The report also says only 1 in 10 Americans with a drug problem receives treatment. The trust says some … Read more on Fox… Continue reading

Marijuana Tops the List as the Most Popular Illegal Drug Worldwide

...  one state, California, has kept reliable, complete arrest statistics over several decades by race, sex, offense and age. But California's drug arrest and abuse trends often reflect (or are harbingers of) national trends, and in the Golden State …… Continue reading

New Jersey Herald – AP News in Brief at 10:58 Pm EDT

...  Jersey Herald – AP News in Brief at 10:58 pm EDT And it's not clear how much the military operation could help the beleaguered and splintered Syrian opposition, or lessen concerns that hard-line rebels may not support America if… Continue reading