Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

What Are the Effects of Crack Cocaine on a User’s Body?

...  of the rate of breathing * decrease appetite * convulsions * decrease of the need for sleep * cause heart attacks and strokes * damage the nasal septum and lungs I do hope that you get to warn your… Continue reading

Help Me With a Cocaine PSA?

...  high I kept snorting coke. Coming down was a nightmare, so I usually had at least a gram with me at all times. It is never a good thing. It will ruin your life. Luckily, I had friends and… Continue reading

Pittsburgh Man Creating Normally Proportioned Doll

...  man creating normally proportioned doll Nickolay Lamm, who majored in marketing at the University of Pittsburgh, has named the doll Lammily. Lamm tells WTAE-TV ( he used statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to create… Continue reading

“Theraflu” Heroin Claims 22 Lives in Pennsylvania

...  problem across Western Pennsylvania Babies can thrive. Dr. Neil Capretto, medical director at Gateway Rehabilitation Center in Beaver County, said taking methadone under a doctor's supervision is better for pregnant women and their babies than turning to prostitution or… Continue reading

Convenience Store Item Used to Make Crack Pipes

...  knew what … Read more on WFSB Heroin incidents increasing Incidents involving heroin and related prescription drugs such as oxycodone, methadone, morphine and suboxone, are up in Beloit this year and police are relying on their confidential informants to… Continue reading

Report: Some Gains on Substance Abuse, Mental Health

...  some gains on substance abuse, mental health The report, called the National Behavioral Health Barometer, gathers together data from Medicare and from previously released surveys conducted by SAMHSA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute… Continue reading