Serious Answers Only Please. Can the Use of Cocaine…?
by marsmet463 Question by devuelveme_a_mi_chico: Serious answers only please. Can the use of cocaine…? cause seizures or brain damage? My sister-in-law is a cocaine user and she has recently had constant migraine headaches and pain in her neck. She… Continue reading
THE LETTERS PROJECT: Families Dealing With Addiction
... and cognitive decline, increased appetite and cravings, damaged skin … Read more on Ahwatukee Foothills News Birdland review – Ceaselessly inventive critique of rock stardom … virtually limitless money that accompany rock stardom have a destabilising effect on the… Continue reading
What Are the Long Terms Effect of Crack Cocaine???? I Need Good Answers!!!!!!!!!?
... answer: Answer by MindyBrain effects: Even after months of abstaining, people who have used cocaine for a long time can have problems thinking, such as memory, attention, problem solving, and use of words. They can also have problems with… Continue reading
Can One Hit of Cocaine Alter Your Brain Chemistry Permanently?
... or is there any other drug when used for a few times might change your brain chemistry for a loooong period of time. Best answer: Answer by ToriOne hit, no. Over a long period, large consumption of almost any… Continue reading
Is Recreational Use of Cocaine Really That Harmful?
Question by AnthonyPaul: Is recreational use of cocaine really that harmful? Some friends and I have partied on and off for many years with the occasional bump in the club restroom or the line on the coffee table. I know… Continue reading
How Many People Died in America Because of Drug Abuse in Any of These Years (2005-2009)?
... judgment, causing deaths as a result of accidents. Alcohol can be so deadly when mixed with prescription drugs that prescription drug and alcohol mixing is a common method of suicide. Tobacco •440,000 Americans die from tobacco use every year.… Continue reading