borderline personality disorder

Cocaine Addiction Signs

...  by Stephanie S. Covington, Ph. D. , L. C. S. W. Co-director, Institute for Relational Development L. Straussner and E to the connection between sexuality and the legal drugs of alcohol and tobacco, there is also the belief that… Continue reading

Cocaine Treatment Depression

NAJAVITS, GASTFRIEND, BARBER, ET AL.COCAINE DEPENDENCE WITH …Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study Lisa M. Najavits, Ph.D., David R. Gastfriend, M.D., Jacques P. Barber, Ph.D., depression than the patients with PTSD alone. The goal of the present study was to explore clinical… Continue reading

Cocaine Treatment Ptsd

...  dis-orders. Addict Behav 1998; 23:785–795 12. Brady KT, Dansky BS, Sonne SC, Saladin ME: Posttraumatic stress disorder and cocaine dependence. … Doc Retrieval Treatment Of PTSD And Comorbid Disorders608 TREATMENT GUIDELINES Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Cocaine Dependence (Level… Continue reading

Effects Crack Cocaine Personality

...  In …– Psycho-personality, psychiatric condition, self-esteem, life events – Mid-1980’s-U.S. (crack cocaine) • Cocaine Processing – Per gram, crack costs twice the price • Side effects … Access Content The Impact Of Drug Use And Crime Involvement On Health… Continue reading

Cocaine Abuse Symptoms Dsm

DIFFERENTIATING DSM-IV ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE AND ABUSE BY COURSE …Have either one or two symptoms of dependence or meet criteria for abuse. According to DSM-IV, individuals cannot be given the diagnosis of abuse if they ever met criteria for … Content… Continue reading

Cocaine Abuse Personality

STATE OF CALIFORNIA V.305.00 Alcohol Abuse. 305.60 Cocaine abuse Axis II Borderline personality disorder traits Antisocial personality behavior traits V62.89 Borderline intellectual functioning. … Get Doc Psychomotor And Electroencephalographic Sequelae Of Cocaine …cocaine abuse, which have been largely underestimated or… Continue reading