Can You Have BPD Without Fear of Abandonment?
... He’s NOT going to change no matter what diagnosis he is assigned to. I was married to a man for ten years. Wow, it’s like looking back in time because you sound just like I did.I found everything in… Continue reading
EDITORIAL: The Right Choice Puts Profits 2nd
... The right choice puts profits 2nd Kudos to Scott Campbell, the pharmacist and owner of the Ocean Health Mart Pharmacy in Charlestown. He was recently honored by the Chariho Task Force on Substance Abuse Prevention for making a decision… Continue reading
What Mental Disorder Supresses You Emotions to Were You Can Really Feel or Express Them?
... emotionless or like your blocking your feelings Best answer: Answer by Nom Nom NomBorderline Personality Disorder tends to do this but in general, this numbness can be a symptom in a number of different pathologies. It can be… Continue reading
What Is It Like Having Borderline Personality Disorder?
... by Caitlin: What is it like having borderline personality disorder? My mother had it, and now I feel as if I am begging to show signs of it. Can anyone with experience help? Best answer: Answer by hellogoodbyepersonwell… Continue reading
A Different Drug
... under: cocaine rehabs He snorted cocaine and shot heroin, stole from innocent families, distributed narcotics, prostituted himself, and was in and out of prisons and rehabs for the better part of the next 20 years. Along the way, he… Continue reading
Cocaine Use Signs Download
... headache, blurred reaction to even small doses of cocaine. 6 Physical effects include: • Cardiac problems and angina, thought to be a possible result of long-term cocaine use … Retrieve Doc Cocaine And PregnancyRecreational cocaine use is usually by… Continue reading