Taft Woman Shot and Killed by Authorities

Taft woman shot and killed by authorities
James Cummins, a long time friend of Lytle said she had mental health and substance abuse issues for which she tried to get help. "She was a good person, … What facts do you have that she was "using" a deadly weapon? You can keep trying to debate but … Read more on Bakersfield Now

Giving daughter's organs can't save mother from grieving
It contained bare facts about the recipients — and information about how Charla could contact them. LifeLink won't share the names of donors and recipients until both … Drug abuse. Intoxication by the combined effects of alprazolam, morphine and … Read more on Tampabay.com

Big institutions, and their leaders, elude punishment
The ruling didn't question the evidence that Lynn's decisions as a church official gave abusive priests new chances to ruin young lives, just that the statute didn't apply to those facts. This society needs to keep seeking ways, within the First … As … Read more on Newsworks.org