Synthetic Cocaine Question?
Question by Big D: synthetic cocaine question?
i recently heard this stuff is available at smoke shops. i was just wondering if anyone knows what this crap is made out of.
Best answer:
Answer by Andy
Answer by Clayton
its actually synthetic extacy not cocaine and its crap ive tried it “bliss” is good but expensive DO NOT SMOKE ANYTHING THAT SAYS HERBAL INCENSE!!! im not going to me the responsible IDIOT that says dont smoke anything because i know you wont listen so id rather inform you so that you can be safe the horrible COMMON side affect of “spice” herbal incense i.e. K2, Budda, No more mister nice guy, etc. is DEATH, seizures, heart attack, blackouts, and many many more close to fatal and fatal affects! I am a toker that cant anymore because of legal and moral reasons and it was suggested to me so i went to a head shop here in fort myers, florida called the purple ringer and they quit selling it after 4 people where hospitalizes and 1 kid died… it says right on the label NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. if you are looking for a legal smokeing alternative for canniubus i use a 50/50 mix of wild dagga and blue lotus (the same ingredients in “spice” but natural without additives and other unknown products) for “acid” alternative i use salvia ( is the best) But if you do somehow get it BE VERY CAREFUL it is EXTREMELY STRONG and you will tripp out on the low dose ive been dropping acid for years and the weakest strength knocked me on my @zz. “Spice” will be illegal within 6 months. If you doubt anything i said in here google it and read for yourself. I you have any questions about alternative drugs feel free to email me [email protected] Hope this helps!
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