Scared of Jolt?
Question by bepboy: scared of jolt?
ok im here drinking jolt and reading questions on yahoo. so anyways i look it up on yahoo and i look at questions about it…people keep saying tht it makes you icky and tired the next day? is tht true cause i HATE feeling tht way
Best answer:
Answer by peter.bosani
My interest is food science and nutrition, and what I could tell you about “Jolt” is that it’s essentially a soft drink with a lot of caffeine. Amounts can vary from 70 mg. up to 280 mg. for a drink called “Cocaine.” This last one’s been banned in some places, as health authorities worry about the effects of too much caffeine, drunk mostly by kids. Normally a cup of coffee averages about 135 mg.
I don’t think one can of Jolt, or Red Bull will harm you, but drinking too many of them may.
Side effects of caffeine can present with the following symptoms: insomnia, nervousness, irritability, etc. These for sure can make you feel lousy.
For more info on food and such matters, check out
Hope that helps,
Peter Bosani.
Answer by PETER
I’m scared of anything “INDUSTRY” serves up these days.
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