Safeguarding Training in Domciliary Care From BVS


Safeguarding Training in Domciliary Care from BVS – This excellent resource provides fully up to date guidance on how to safeguard the welfare of vulnerable adults. Filmed entirely in real domiciliary care settings this title will explain to workers what abuse is and how to recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse. Depicting dramatic scenes of abuse this title will help bring the realities of adult abuse to life, teaching care workers why abuse should never be ignored. Subjects covered include: Role of the carer in maintaining a culture which safeguards the individual l Legislation and policy that exists to safeguard the vulnerable person l Concept and definition of abuse using illustrated examples Categories, prevalence l signs and symptoms of abusive behaviour l Ways in which carers and organisations are required to respond to the abuse of vulnerable people. Duration: 32 minute DVD in 15 sections of video to be used in a suggested 3 hour training session. For more information, please visit or call 0845 6442866.


Weight-Loss Surgery May Boost Risk for Alcohol, Drug Abuse: Study
Filed under: signs and symptoms of abuse
The key thing is to monitor following surgery and inform patients of the risks and signs and symptoms of substance abuse before their surgery." Many theories seek to explain why people may be more vulnerable to increases in drinking or drug-taking … Read more on U.S. News & World Report


What is depression?
Filed under: signs and symptoms of abuse
Signs and symptoms of depression include; persistent sad, anxious or 'empty' feelings; irritability, loss of interest in participating in activities that once were pleasurable; fatigue, decreased energy, difficulty concentrating and making decisions … Read more on Tryon Daily Bulletin


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