Ritalin May Help Cure Cocaine Addiction, Scientists Say

Ritalin may help cure cocaine addiction, scientists say
Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine, N.Y., have found that methylphenidate, used to treat ADHD, may quell withdrawal symptoms by releasing dopamine like cocaine does, better enabling addicts to control their compulsion to take the drug. Read more on msnNOW

Study : Are " Cheap " Carbs Really Like Drugs To Your Brain ?
“There is now convincing neurobiological and behavioural evidence indicating that addiction to food is possible.” Previous research has also shown that when animals get “hooked” on sugar, taking it away can lead to symptoms that look a lot like … Read more on Forbes

Sugary Sweets May Cause Sags And Wrinkles; 5 Ways To Cut Sugar Out Of
Animals that binged on normal food with no sugar did not show signs of withdrawal, and even animals that were given a regular intake of food and sugar water did not show signs of withdrawal. A change in brain chemistry actually takes place when sugar … Read more on Medical Daily