Report: Some Gains on Substance Abuse, Mental Health
Report: some gains on substance abuse, mental health
The report, called the National Behavioral Health Barometer, gathers together data from Medicare and from previously released surveys conducted by SAMHSA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Read more on USA TODAY
Poster contest a success
HILLSDALE — Large reminders of the dangers of prescription drugs will be going up in the next couple of days around Hillsdale, as a reminder to teens. The Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition and the Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health … Read more on The Hillsdale Daily News
Mineral County gets permament drug drop-off box
The Potomac Highlands Guild Substance Abuse Prevention Program, along with the Mineral County Sheriff's Department, have placed a permanent MedReturn medication drop-off box in the front hallway of the county's detention center on East Street. Read more on Keyser Mineral Daily News Tribune