Police Nab 8 on Drug Charges at Amarillo Motel
Police nab 8 on drug charges at Amarillo motel
Filed under: crack cocaine paraphernalia
Letty Denise Wilson, 63, was charged with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. In rooms 118 and 105, police said no residents were present. In room 118, police found three rocks of crack cocaine and no contraband was found in 105. Powder cocaine, 2.6 … Read more on ConnectAmarillo.com powered by KVII
Stranded motorist suspected of swallowing crack cocaine
Filed under: crack cocaine paraphernalia
Joe McCarthy III, of 4302 Simmon St., Monroe, was booked into Ouachita Correctional Center on charges of possession of crack cocaine, possession of drug paraphernalia, open container violation and obstruction of justice. According to an arrest … Read more on Monroe News Star