Photo: Contributed – DriveBC

Photo: Contributed – DriveBC
So the constant battle is not only to keep them on their prescribed medications, but to keep them away from drugs." Lohrasbe said health officials … But now, even people on social assistance can afford to get their fix from drugs such as crystal methRead more on

'Lucy? is back
Cocaine¯crack, flake, snow, coke or Charlie¯is priced between Rs.2,500 and Rs.3,000 per gram, and the chances of adulteration are high. LSD¯the street names being … But, is there anything more that draws a user to LSD?A 29-year-old writer in Kolkata, … Read more on The Week

'Yes' to One Drug Could Become 'Yes' for Other Drugs
Palamar therefore examined how demographics and a lifetime use of various drugs — marijuana use in particular — can predict if a person will become partial to using "harder" and more dangerous drugs, such as powder cocaine, crack, LSD, heroin, … Read more on Science Daily (press release)