Our View: Opioids' Ruinous Grip
Our view: Opioids' ruinous grip
The local prosecutor urged continued tough penalties for heroin and cocaine convictions, the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star reported, and dismissed a 28-day drug rehabilitation program the courts often divert users into as "a waste of time." But, more …
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The Verdict: Circuit Court rundown 3-21-14
David Ray Keating was charged with aggravated assault, His probation was partially revoked and he was sentenced to five years in MDOC; and ordered to attend and complete a long term alcohol and drug rehabilitation program. Hazel Jordan Kelser was …
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Long road to recovery starts with first step for former heroin addict
Editor's note: Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman's heroin overdose in early February caught Hollywood by surprise. How could a person with so much talent and promise succumb to a common street drug? And if it happened to him, are the not-so-famous …
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