Need All the Advice That I Can to Help Me Fight This Deadly Disease Called {Crack Cocaine}. PLEASE HELP ME!?
Question by emanneal28: Need all the advice that I can to help me fight this deadly disease called {crack cocaine}. PLEASE HELP ME!?
Been to many of treatments, but still continue to think that I can win after hurting everything I come in contact with especially me and my family. Just recently relapsed.
Best answer:
Answer by Spooky1
Have you tried scareing yourself with the faces of crack on youtube?, really considered the constant worry and desperation of your loved ones as you continue to self distruct? thought of family children who wonder what it up with you? asked to be sent to a rehab place? – the instant you relapse? tried to move away from your ‘friends’ who are in the situation?, moved area to avoid your regular dealers/crack friends/tempting situations?
I am so sorry that you have a life so controlled by a drug that destroys you inside and out.
Ask for and accept any help that is out there – and I am sure that there is lots. I wish you well.
Be positive, imagine and plan for a life without this burden, college, education, work – maybe in a place that understands/advises and is willing to help someone in your situation move away from it and forward your life.
See every day as new start – tommorow is your next target, have plans and keep busy – planning your drug free life and maybe go to bed early – before the want starts, as an adult you must have been in control one time – you can get that back, be strong and determined with yourself!
Answer by J B
Just like an alcoholic, relapses are not uncommon and you have to pick yourself up and start over today trying to beat this. And, tell yourself this time you are going to win. And, you need the help of a physician and you need to be in a treatment program if you are going to be successful. Very few people are able to get themselves off this stuff without help. No one but a treatment professional and a physician can help you with this.
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