Lohan Reveals Alcohol Addiction Lead to Drug Abuse

Lohan Reveals Alcohol Addiction Lead to Drug Abuse
Although actress Lindsay Lohan is still in her 20s, she has already completed six stints at rehabilitation facilities for her addiction to both alcohol and drugs. She admitted to talk show maven Oprah Winfrey that alcohol inspired her to try cocaine … Read more on E Canada Now

Toronto election 2014: What's your number one issue?
Ten people told the Star their number one issue is the mayor's misbehaviour — including his admission, after many denials, that he has smoked crack cocaine. For Abu Sarwar, a 48-year-old health store manager, the mayor's repeated lies — about his … Read more on Toronto Star

Crack derailed a Toronto doctor's career, cats helped him recover
At first, it was cocaine. Then, after his dealer was arrested, he turned to crack because it was more readily available. “You can't get powder on the street,” Young said. As his life began to unravel — missing appointments with patients, mortgaging … Read more on MetroNews Canada