Is Pain Amplified by Being in a Tired State?
Question by Kristoffer: Is pain amplified by being in a tired state?
I’ve got a root canal bright and early in the morning, around 7:00 AM. I work night shifts and I just got done with tonight’s shift. I’ve got a hour and a half drive ahead of me before I can hope to get some sleep. I’m debating staying up throughout the night to get to the appointment on time. I’m well rested from the previous night.
The question:
Is the nervous system is more susceptible to pain if I am half asleep?
If I go to sleep right when I get home, then that only leaves me about 4 hours of sleep. Novacain has a very weak effect on me, so the pain of getting a root canal is almost intolerable.
Any feedback would be much appreciate! ^_^ Thanks for your help.
Best answer:
Answer by Uncle Duke
no, if anything, being tired will dull the pain receptors and help the sedative (novacaine) work better.
Answer by Mountain Girl
Yes, pain is absolutely made worse by being exhausted!!! As a severe chronic pain patient of 13 years now, I know that when I’m exhausted, I hurt FAR more than usual. That’s why I try to get enough sleep when possible. (It certainly can’t hurt, ya know?)
If I were you, I’d try to get as much sleep as I could before the procedure (even if it’s only a few hours). I’d also ask for Nitrous Oxide (a.k.a. laughing gas) in addition to the Novocaine during your procedure since I agree completely that Novocaine isn’t super effective at blocking oral pain. I would ask my Dentist/Oral Surgeon to write me a small prescription for a mild pain medication like Vicodin to take after the Novocaine and Nitrous Oxide (if you get it) wears off. Novocaine, likes its cousin Cocaine, has an extremely short half-life and wears off very quickly, as does Nitrous Oxide.
So, if I were you, I’d definitely try to get what sleep I can, and ask my Dentist for a small prescription of Vicodin. Root canals are extremely painful from what I hear. So, I don’t see why you wouldn’t be prescribed a mild painkiller for the after-effects of the root canal. That’d be pretty cruel to not give you anything for afterward. I don’t know where you live, but in the US, it’s standard practice for Dentists, Orthodontists & Oral Surgeons to prescribe some Vicodin to help the patient deal with the (often severe) pain following root canals, pulled teeth, etc. I’ve ALWAYS been offered 15-20 Vicodin following dental work, and I’ve never had a root canal, a tooth pulled or anything serious like that (except for having my tonsils & adenoids removed). Please don’t be afraid to let your Dentist know that you’re scared of being in pain after the root canal (as you have been in excruciating pain before following other dental work), and that only having OTC Advil and Tylenol to control that pain will likely not be enough. If you’re in the US, it definitely shouldn’t be a problem!
NEVER be afraid to ask for pain medication when you *TRULY* need it, as it sounds like you really will need it after your root canal tomorrow! Everyone deserves to have adequate Pain Management, and Advil & Tylenol are a very far cry from “adequate” in your scenario. I’ve never had a problem getting a small prescription of Vicodin for a few days from my Dentist. (Mine usually also gives me 1-2 refills, too!)
Oh, and definitely ask for the Nitrous Oxide since you said Novocaine has a weak effect on you! It’s not at all dangerous when administered by a licensed Dentist or Oral Surgeon. Basically, don’t be afraid to ask for what you need to manage your pain! (Especially if you have to go back to work the next day, or have other things to do.)
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