Is a Hacker-Turned-Informant Helping the FBI Spy on Foreign Countries?

Is A Hacker-Turned-Informant Helping The FBI Spy On Foreign Countries?
On Monday, the United Nations warned the U.S. that the nation has a responsibility to respect the “inviolability” of foreign diplomatic missions. It follows revelations that the U.S. allegedly spied on foreign nations via its National Security Agency … Read more on Mintpress News

Rolling Stone story goes hard on Patriots' handling of Hernandez
In fairness to the Patriots, however, it's a lot easier to recognize Hernandez's warning signs with 20/20 hindsight after he has already been charged with murder. Hernandez was, after all, a free man, so it wasn't just the Patriots he …. If they … Read more on

Police reports: 0 winning lottery ticket stolen
Judy Goodson, 33, of Oxford State Road, was charged with possession of drug abuse instruments and for her warrant through the Franklin Police Department for larceny. Crystal Napier, 30, of Oxford State Road, was charged with possession of drug abuse … Read more on Middletown Journal