If You Were Rich Beyond Belief and Wanted to Sit Around and Do Drugs the Rest of Your Life, Is That Wrong?

Question by mike9626: If you were rich beyond belief and wanted to sit around and do drugs the rest of your life, is that wrong?
Let’s say you had $ 100 million dollars , were not married, had no kids, would it be acceptable to indulge in illegal hard drugs(heroin, cocaine, meth etc) if you have:
a. hurt nobody (except perhaps yourself which you are ok with).
b. had more money than you could ever spend, and certaintly not have to work ever again.
c. accepted that you could overdose or significantly shorten your life, but do not have a problem with that?

Would it be acceptable to abuse illegal and/or legal prescription drugs?
To society

Best answer:

Answer by lynn
Acceptable to whom? Yourself?

Answer by masonicsoundz
live and let live

Add your own answer in the comments!