If a Juvenile Court Judge Orders a UA Test for Spice and Alcohol Can They Legally Search for Other Drugs?

Question by Ollie Ward: If a juvenile court judge orders a UA test for spice and alcohol can they legally search for other drugs?
Dont they need permission? and can they prosecute and get you in trouble if their use like maybe if they found THC from marijuana?

Best answer:

Answer by Jose
Chances are that the order for spice covers all registered cannabinoids, and other groups of chemicals, if it doesn’t, the people performing the tests probably won’t bother, but you should request a copy of the court order, and if you are of a well to do family give it to your family lawyer and should they go to the length to perform an illegal test, he could probably keep you from being screwed.

Your best bet is to turn the ac off and sit in the sun, shower repeatedly in hot water and drink, PLENTY of water. It actually takes time for detectable levels of cannabinoids to build up in your urine which means if you haven’t drunken much water the chance of you being positive is higher, as it would be lower if you have been pissing all day and have plenty of water in your system.

Answer by gorbalizer
No! if they have a search warrant anything they discover in the search is covered so for example they have a warrant to search for drugs and discover a dead body then the body is included as reasonable grounds or probable cause

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